Jan 23, 2009

Starting the 2nd Week

Today starts the SECOND week of becoming a healthier person. I have been eating lean meat, lots of veggies..tomatoes are my favorite....or is that a fruit? Anyway I am not having that sluggish tired feeling anymore and am excited to keep going and get rid of this unwanted body fat.

When I am in a grocery store now, I look at all the food with different eyes...I think to myself when I see all that junk food.....meaning processed foods too....yuk!
Although when pizza was advertised it did sound good....a good thin crust with....
sauce and thats about it is what sounds good now. I no longer want cheese. I love bread so the crust is the part I miss! But.....the goal to be healthier over all and improve my choices is much stronger than the temptation for pizza.

It also helps to know next Friday there will be another weigh in which keeps me focused. Excercise needs to be increased as only small walks are not enough.

More to come!

Jan 19, 2009

C H A L L E N G E 2009

2009 has become a time of change. I was laid off my job of 8 years, and the first day of being unemployed I decided to commit to creating a healthy body. My motivation has come from my brother John who has now lost 60 pounds and looks and feels great! I am so proud of him! His wife also has changed and lost weight and feels even better, cause she already looked great. The family walks and runs together alot as well. My son Michael recently was in town from Florida and he heard of a book called the China Study that a client had told him changed his life.
My daughter Jennifer bought her, him and me a book to read so we could talk about it and hopefully change our health. He told me he is worried about my weight and health and that he tried not to say anything but that he loves me and had to. I cried when I heard that and thought there just is no more putting off making healthier choices in the food I eat. So as you can see, there are several factors which inspired me.
My other son Jed and his family are already a great example of what healthy eating can do for you as they both lost weight using the weight watchers program.
I really am not real happy about letting a picture of me get out on the web with my gut sticking out so obviously but if I track my story and can inspire just one person I am happy to be embarrased of my looks.

My brother offered to help me with some ideas of low calorie eating and is letting me "weigh in" at his house every two weeks to I can track my progress. If I was just to weigh myself at home and not have to make an effort to go "weigh in" I know ME too well and it doesn't work. I needed this kickstart to help me change my habits. So far it is working. It has been 4 days and I feel better and don't feel sluggish at all.
Although you can see my fat I don't want to list my actual weight just yet. I am sure people could guess but the point is that its a Life Challenge and not just about the numbers but how I feel and look.

More to come........